Journalist, pop obsessive & all-round good egg Richard Morton Jack recently forwarded me a review of Sentinel's debut release, which he stumbled upon in his Melody Maker archives recently. This review appeared in the October 3rd 1970 edition of the paper, and Richard tells me that the Melody Maker's coverage of the Cornish folk scene was fairly widespread in the late 60s/early 70s, so hopefully we can expect more from his collection in the future. Please?! Either way, thanks very much for this snippet; how delightful it is to see my Uncle Douglas mentioned not once but twice in its text! Richard's excellent blog can be found here: http://galacticramble.blogspot.com/
This also seems as good a place as any to reproduce some of the sleeve notes (since the music isn't much to my taste) from "Christmas In Cornwall" by the Climax Choir (SENS 1010). These notes are, for me, as pure a statement of a label's intent as "the greatest recording organisation in the world" or "it was easy, it was cheap, go and do it".
"We at Sentinel are endeavouring to present something of the true Cornwall on all our records. We firmly believe that Cornishmen & lovers of Cornwall alike, want to hear the fine sound of our choirs, bands & artists as they really are, and in a natural setting.
"To this end, we refuse to put a 'studio polish' on the sound from our LPs, and shun all studio gimmickry, even though this does present us with many technical problems. Letters from all over the world and reviews from many critics make this point & encourage us in what we are trying to do. We hope that you, the listener, agree with this policy."
Happy Christmas all!